GDPR Data Privacy and Security Directors Forum 2021
February 01-02 | ONLINE EVENT
The new EU General Data Protection Regulation entered into force on 25 May 2018 and businesses are having to adapt and evolve within a new set of parameters.
With the rise of using technologies and as we all know that Data is the lifeblood of every business but to empower the organization, it needs to be used carefully, strategically and lawfully. Complying with new regulations is never easy, it is often complex and can drain resources and consume the time of key employees and teams. Recent reports state that 62% of organizations are unaware of the new GDPR and only 10% had taken steps to meet its compliance requirements.
This outstanding event will show you the recent changes, what is needed, how to get prepared enough from IT and legal side adhering to new compliance measures and to save your companies from paying the big fines and penalties if they fail to comply or data breach. Not only that, it will also look deeper into post GDPR effects on business and how to deal with those challenges in a smart way.
25th May 2018 was just the beginning!
Be a part of the 50+ delegates from the top leading companies sharing their management strategies on the opportunities and challenges. You will have several networking opportunities to mingle with the industry giants through coffee breaks, lunches, drinks reception and listen to real-life case study presentations and panel discussions.
We have +15 speakers confirmed, Interested to know who is speaking?
VPs, Directors, Heads, Managers of:
Data Protection Officers
Chief Privacy Officers
Privacy & Data Protection VPs/Directors/Heads/ Managers
Strategic Liaison Leaders
Legal Counsel & Advisors
IT Lawyers
Compliance Managers
Security & Privacy Officers
VPs/Directors/Heads Systems Engineering
Privacy Engineers
Presidents/VPs/Directors of Legal Affairs
Data Governance Experts
Ethics and Compliance Advisers
Consultants & Analysts
Accounting and Audit firms
Financial Institutions
E-Commerce and Internet Business
IT and Network Services and Support
Consumer goods
Consumer Electronics
HR and Recruiting Services
Insurance and Risk Management
Pharmaceuticals and Biotech
Construction Equipment and Supplies
This event will be taking place Online.
Please contact us for more information: +420 216 216 676 or by email
If you have any questions regarding speaking, sponsoring and attending this conference, please contact:
Telephone: +420 216 216 676